Virtual Tourism

Experience now, Explore Later


Welcome to the world of Virtual Tourism where you can escape to some of the world’s most beautiful destinations without having to leave your home. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, most of our travel plans have gone from #wanderlust to #wanderbust, but many tourism spots have given us hope with their virtual tourism offers.

Go from a virtual meeting and straight into a virtual safari as tourism spots all over the world are making virtual tours come to life. Discover a whole new world of virtual tourism varying from wildlife safari tours to wine tasting! 

Get up close and personal with the Big 5.


Go into the wild right in the comfort of your living room with an online safari tour provided by Tintswalo Safari Lodge is bringing the safari to you with their Tintswalo Virtual Safari available to view on all their social media platforms. Get in the front seat and go on adventurous game drives and get up close and personal with the big 5. Does this sound like a good day “out”? Then check out their social pages for these fun expeditions.


Experience the world from your couch


Wanderlust Travel Videos is a youtube channel that grants you the opportunity to escape to some of the world’s most loved places. It offers tours of museums, iconic landmarks, beaches and more. You might spend the whole day going from exploring the Louvre to grabbing a cocktail to go with your Cannes beach tour. 
Keen to explore? Then check it out here 


Under the Sea adventures


Go on an interactive, deep-sea diving expedition with the world-famous narrator, David Attenborough. Is your wetsuit a little too tight? You won’t need this time as you will be exploring the Great Barrier Reef in the comfort of your home. 3,2,1...and dive 


Cheers to virtual wine tasting


The internet offers so many services, including virtual wine tastings. Yes, wine tasting has gone digital. What a time to be alive. So if you have a few bottles of wine and you do not want to drink alone or maybe you just want to come out of this lockdown a little cultured on fine wine then tune to Simonsig Wines on Instagram for the Virtual Tastings Series.


You can also travel with your ears...


Maybe you are tired of listening to your self-help audiobooks, you just about know every word to every song in your playlists and you just need something fresh to listen to? Check out Traveller24's podcast series 'The Check-In' and hear all things wine, explorers and rhinos.


Who would have thought that there would be a time when we would go from finding escapism through books, movies and music to now seeing the world from our computer screens and cell phones through virtual tourism. The Corona Virus has really pushed the travel industry’s boundaries to get in touch with the digital world.

Will you be going on any virtual tours? Let us know on our Computicket Travel social media pages. 

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